Poster printing requests
If you wish to have your poster printed and delivered at the ESWW24 venue, please fill in and submit this form.
After submission, the form will be sent to the printing service (Ogami) and to the ESWW24 organization, and you will soon after receive an email confirmation of your request. That e-mail will contain payment information (by bank transfer). To finalize your request, you need to reply to that e-mail with a proof of payment (receipt) attached.
Beyond indicating your name, affiliation, e-mail in the form, you should also provide your Abstract Id (in the format “IdXXX”) for posters to be presented in the scope of one of our plenary or parallel sessions, or your Space Weather Fair booth number (in the format “FXX”).
Your poster can be printed on photographic paper or alternatively on fabric, at the following rates (including delivery):
- photographic paper (29.20€/m², or per A0 print)
- fabric (35.50€/m², or per A0 print)
Note that A0 posters have a surface of 1 m², and that our poster boards are A0 portrait. If you wish to print in another format, the final price will correspond to the values above multiplied by your poster area rounded off to the largest cent (e.g., 5.23 m² photographic paper poster would cost 152.72€). In case you need an invoice, you should also provide a VAT number.
If you prepare you poster using PowerPoint (or similar): you should setup the page/slide size manually (width 84.1 cm, height 118.9 cm for A0 portrait), and then save your poster as PDF. Do not “print as PDF”, as that will most likely generate a small sized (A4, Letter) copy of your poster. Use “save to PDF” or “export to PDF” instead. You can always check on the metadata/info of the PDF produced if the document produced is meant to be A0 (at the appropriate resolution).
Deadlines and delivery dates:
Posters will be delivered on site on two days:
- Monday 4th of November (in time for Posters I and Space Weather Fair), for which the submission deadline is the 30th of October;
- Wednesday 6th of November (in time for Posters II), for which the submission deadline is the 4th of November.