Parallel and Plenary sessions
Opening of session submission:
Wednesday 27th of February 2024
Deadline for submission:
Friday 5th of April 2024 (inclusive)
The European Space Weather Week (ESWW) conference is an excellent opportunity for people from all over the world to gather and discuss the most recent insights in space weather and in space climate, and to address the emerging challenges and impacts. Science, data exploitation, observations, service development, operational models, engineering and industrial needs are all important aspects of space weather that are addressed. In line with this, the overarching theme for ESWW2024 in Coimbra is ‘20 years of expanding horizons, from fundamental science to protecting society’. ESWW will be a hybrid conference.
One of the strengths of ESWW is that participants can contribute significantly to its content through parallel sessions, plenary sessions and Topical Discussion Meetings (the call for TDMs will open later; stay tuned!).
Those interested in convening a session at ESWW2024 may submit a proposal in one of the following three formats:
- Parallel Space Weather Research (SWR) session
- Parallel 100% Community-Driven (100CD) session
- Parallel Application Pipeline (APL) session
Those submitting a proposal to convene a session in format (2) or (3) will have the opportunity to request the Programme Committee (PC) consider the promotion of their session to a plenary session of 90 minutes fixed duration. Sessions not selected as plenary sessions by the PC will continue to be considered as parallel sessions.
The PC strongly encourages those who have not previously proposed a session to do so. In line with our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we welcome and encourage applications from conveners of all backgrounds, including but not limited to, different career stages, geographical locations, ability, genders, and ethnicities.
Proposing a Space Weather Research (SWR) Parallel Session
- When submitting a proposal to the Space Weather Research session, please select one of the following six topics:
- swr01 The Sun, its Variability and Eruptions as the Origins of Space Weather
- swr02 Coronal Mass Ejections, Shock Waves and Energetic Particles
- swr03 Earth’s Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Thermosphere – Dynamics and Coupling Processes
- swr04 Influence of the Space Weather and Space Climate on Mission Design, and on Operations
- swr05 Geomagnetic Activity Effects on Ground-Based Systems
- swr06 Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Space Weather and Space Climate.
Submitting a 100% Community-Driven Parallel Session (100CD)
Proposers have freedom to choose the title and the research topic in the submission of their 100CD parallel session abstract. In the session description the motivation for proposing the research topic and the reason the topic is relevant for this year should be provided in one or two sentences.
Proposing an Application Pipeline (APL) Parallel Session
Session topics covering research, development and implementation of different application pipelines are welcomed as submissions for APL parallel session abstracts. Examples of possible (components of) pipelines include:
- Data preparation to be used in the product pipeline
- Forecasting tools: presentation and demonstration
- 3D visualization tools for space weather from Sun to Earth
- All sorts of propagation tools
- Tools for the solar wind/flux rope/Stream Interaction Region (SIR) interaction with the magnetosphere
- Space weather services, tools, monitoring, and alerts for end-users
Plenary Sessions
Plenary sessions are the principal opportunity to share cutting-edge research, new technologies, monitoring and forecasting developments, user applications, policy, collaborative activities, innovative ideas and more, with the broadest audience in the space weather community. Plenary sessions at ESWW form a key component of the conference, each with a fixed duration of 90 minutes and made open to all attendees. Plenary sessions will be selected by the PC.
This year, the plenary sessions will be selected from parallel session proposals, specifically from the categories of “Parallel 100% Community-Driven (100CD)” and “Parallel Application Pipeline (APL)”. During the submission process, you will have the option to indicate whether you would like your proposed parallel session to be initially considered for a plenary session. If not selected as a plenary session, your proposal will still be considered as a parallel session. You may also indicate in the submission whether you may consider including a panel discussion.
We are looking for proposals that are engaging, of a particularly high-standard, of relevance to the broader space weather and space climate community and designed to stimulate discussion and debate. Plenary sessions could include a panel discussion. In the proposed session abstract please consider: including a bulleted list of submission topics you wish to encourage; encouraging an overview talk.
After the session proposal deadline, the Programme Committee (PC) will review proposals and may work with conveners to tune proposals further to a plenary session (if the criteria for plenary sessions are not met, the PC may choose not to select any).
Information for all Sessions
For all session proposal submissions, the following information will be required (additional information may be required depending on the format):
- The format of the proposed session (SWR, 100CD or APL)
- Title of the proposed session
- Name, affiliation, and email address of two to four conveners (conveners from different affiliations can enhance diversity and enrich the session)
- An abstract of 250 words (max) describing the proposed session.
After the session proposal deadline, the Programme Committee (PC) will review proposals and decide which are accepted. Session conveners will be notified in mid-April as to whether their proposal has been successful. A call for session abstracts (talks and posters) will be announced. Guidelines for conveners will be published. Later in the year, conveners will be asked to provide the names of chairs. At least one chair should be a convener. At least one chair will be attending in-person, in Coimbra. At least one chair will take responsibility to monitor online comments.